The Forum Lafayette Progress Update 02 | Keaty Real Estate
Have you seen @theforumlaf on Johnston St. Lately? The Forum continues its construction process bringing Lafayette what is to be a unique mixed use experience. With a unique look and vibe that is set to bring Acadiana together in ...Discover the Vibrant Potential of The Forum: Lafayette’s Premier Real Estate Development
Welcome to The Forum, Lafayette's most exciting and dynamic real estate development. As a leading real estate firm, Keaty Real Estate takes pride in bringing you the latest updates on this transformative project. With construction progressin...The Forum Lafayette Progress Report 4 | Keaty Real Estate
We got Building A Up At The Forum! This 4200 sqft. building is built up and ready to come online right at The Forum Lafayette on Johnston Street. It’s a beautiful building ready to receive a new tenant this summer! ...The Forum Lafayette Progress Update 03 | Keaty Real Estate
More is coming on-line at The Forum on Johnston Street! Join Adam Angers as he breaks down what is going on at the site, and what is available to tenants at what is to be the most unique retail experience in Lafayette, La. With a unique loo...The Forum Lafayette Progress Update 01 | Keaty Real Estate
@Theforumlaf is coming up on Johnston St.! Check out what's new at what is to be the most incredible shopping experience in Lafayette! Join Jim Keaty, Derek Curry, Lemoine, as they breakdown what's new at the site! And sta...What is ‘The Forum’?
Learn more about a 50 million dollar development project coming to Lafayette in Summer of 2022