If you are a low or moderate-income individual looking to purchase a home, the human services department at Lafayette Consolidated Government has programs that can help you achieve your dream of homeownership. Belle LeBlanc, a human services manager, discusses these programs in a podcast interview with Jim Keaty.
The department offers group educational classes that cover topics such as homeownership training, financial literacy, and home maintenance. In addition to these classes, they have three main programs that can assist with homeownership: the first-time homebuyer loan program, the housing rehabilitation program, and the Take it to Work program.
The first-time homebuyer loan program is a 2% loan over a 15-year period that helps individuals close the affordability gap. The program is targeted at individuals who make under 80% of the area median income as determined by HUD. The department recommends that individuals get approved with a mortgage lender prior and have a home picked out that they’re looking to purchase before they come to them.
The housing rehabilitation program assists low or moderate-income homeowners in making necessary repairs to their homes. The program provides assistance in the form of grants and loans, which can be used to address code violations or make necessary repairs or improvements to the home.
The Take it to Work program is designed to help individuals who are receiving Social Security disability benefits and are interested in going back to work. The program has a specialist who helps individuals test if they’re ready to go back to full-time work without losing their benefits or medical assistance. The specialist also helps with resumes, job searches, and works with employers if they need any kind of accessibility or accommodations.
If you’re interested in any of the programs offered by the department, it’s recommended that you reach out to them to learn more about the eligibility requirements and how to apply. To get more information about the programs, visit the Lafayette Consolidated Government website, or call them at 337-291-5450.