A Letter to Acadiana | By Jim Keaty
Hello Acadiana, I’m Jim Keaty with Keaty Real Estate and today I just wanted to take a few moments of your time to say thank you.
Thank you for allowing the Keaty Real Estate Team to thrive in one of the most uncertain years of our lifetime: the whirlwind that was 2020.
It is no secret, that COVID-19 disrupted every aspect of our traditional way of life, and yet, thanks to your trust in what we do, we were able to continue to work, to continue to provide for our families, to continue to provide our services that we proudly state is Always 110%
We know we are lucky, and we do not take it for granted.
Thankfully, we were completely digital before the government shutdown came to pass. Our transactions were already all paperless. Virtual tours were common, and we’re proud to say that digital marketing is one of our many strong suits. Add in the fact that our entire team, from our agents to our staff, is one family, where we work together for the betterment of the company as a whole. Helping one another whenever we can, however we can. Because we know that together we grow stronger, faster.
In 2020 Keaty Real Estate, despite a global pandemic, a government shutdown, devastating hurricanes, we were still able to help 638 families Buy & Sell their homes. Each one of those transactions had its own unique story, each of those stories were all successful starts to new chapters.
I am proud to look back at a year like 2020 and note that we help produce over 141 Million Dollars in volume. Thats over 141 Million dollars invested right here in Acadiana.
That through our various social media outlets we were able to reach hundreds of thousands of people through the hundreds of pieces of content we produce yearly.
That despite so much being shutdown we were still able to give back, and donate to some amazing Acadiana charities, where we were able to help those that were less fortunate, and those who had lost so much.
And while so many other businesses were not doing so well, we were able to welcome new members to our Keaty Real Estate team. Agents & Staff.
We created a new Property Management Division that has grown tremendously in a short amount of time.
So much good has happened to us, and we owe it all to you.
We owe it to the 638 families that gave us a chance in 2020.
We owe it to our clients of years past that continue to refer us.
We owe it to our vendors and colleagues that work with us every day.
We owe it to our families that love us and support us.
So on behalf of Keaty Real Estate I say thank you for the opportunity to serve you, and know that myself and the entire team are here for you!
We’re looking forward to this year ahead.
Thank you again for your Time, I’m Jim Keaty with Keaty Real Estate
– Love, Jim Keaty
#keatyrealestate #always110 #lafayetterealestate #acadiana2020